Daži izvilkumi no NEciklopēdijas visu laiku draņķīgāko spēļu topa :D
101. Public Library Tycoon. (1977) Order books, sort shelves and file complaints to late customers, just in a real library. Become the most sucessful librarian ever!
98. Donkey Dong (Nintendo, 1984) Smells as bad as it sounds.
91. Microsoft Tea Cooker - (Microsoft, 1990) A game in which the player simulates the preparation of a cup of tea using a tea bag. Various styles of tea are used (Earl Grey, the only tea flavor anyone has heard of, was omitted due to copywrite restrictions) as well as types of sugar and types of milk. The upgraded (1992) version allows the player to select a tea pot as well (and also includes "Erl Gray", a pathetic attempt to get around copywrites. As of this writing, seven lawsuits are pending).
89. SimReich (Maxis, 2001) The National Socialist German Workers Party has won the election, and you are Hitler. Devise euthanasia programs, construct concentration camps and annex weaker nations, all for great justice. Noted for being the only game to be banned from more than 1/3 of the world's nations, and generally seen as the point at which Will Wright lost it.
42. The Dali Lama Presents - UltraMeditate 3000X (Tibetan Games, 2004) Stare at a soothing blank screen while soothing music plays in the background. Press the A button when you have achieved Zen for a special Bonus Message from the Dali Lama and a high scores page.
36. Dr. Mario - Proctologist (Asstendo, 1337) Use Mario's magical rubber glove to fish treasures from Bowser's naughty naughty place. extra points for stacking them up. Watch out for the 'mushrooms'.
16. Oscar Wilde 2005 (Wildeware, 1905) Virtually live the life of Oscar Wilde, the famous son of Obi-Wan Kenobe and Willy Wonka in this action-packed 3D adventure. You, too, can run naked through catholic churches on Dramamine, binge drink for months on end, and much much more as you relive Oscar Wilde's existence via the proxy of a computer.
12. Days of the Old Republic (Look It's Art, 2004) The dull sequel to Knights of the Old Republic, which abandons the RPG format of its predecessor for an unashamed knock-off of The Sims. The player assumes control of a small band of Jedi Knights, leading them in their virtual life. Tasks which must be routinely managed include eating, sleeping, excretion, and telekinesis. Social confrontation in the game is resolved by means of battlesticks, or occasionally, sex - but only if both parties' relationship level is at 100.
11. World of Solitaire (Bungie, 2004) Solitaire, reinvented as a MMORPG! You hang around in an intricate fantasy world and sit on benches playing solitaire…and that's it. You can also wave hello to other players sitting on nearby benches. Basically, this game was soooo not worth the $40/month that everyone and their neighbor shelled out for it.Garastāvoklis:: :D Mūzika: ?