19 Aprīlis 2011 @ 23:45
bļe mīlu to lapu  
If you tune your TV set between channels, part of the "snow" that you see on the screen is background noise caused by cosmic radiation. You can also hear this phenomenon as a low, humming hiss behind all other noise.

Do you fly often? Say "hi" to cosmic radiation! Pilot or stewardess? There's an actual measuring system for determining exactly how well-done space wants your ass.
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[info]mindbound on 20. Aprīlis 2011 - 00:45
#5 nav īpaši baisi, ņemot vērā atstatumus starp zvaigznēm un paša galaktiku saplūšanas procesa tipisko ilgumu. Pārējais... well, jā, nobody said the Universe has any fondness for life in it.
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