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Been there, done that - She's bad
There's no way things should be, there's only what happens and what we do.
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She's bad
well she can read, she can read, she can read, she can read, shes bad
she can read, she can read, she can read, she bad, oh shes bad

Mūzika: Interpol - Obstacle 1

kakjux From: [info]kakjux Date: 28. Septembris 2004 - 14:43 (Norāde uz piebildi)
capslock From: [info]capslock Date: 28. Septembris 2004 - 14:54 (Norāde uz piebildi)
:) neko, vienkārši klausos Interpol.

i feel like love is in the kitchen with a culinary eye
I think he's making something special and I'm smart enough to try
if you don't trust yourself for at least one minute each day
well you should trust in this girl cause loving is coming our way

because friends don't waste wine when there's words to sell
if you can fix me up girl you'll go a long way

(Interpol - Obstacle 2)
kakjux From: [info]kakjux Date: 28. Septembris 2004 - 15:04 (Norāde uz piebildi)
skeeri ;D
capslock From: [info]capslock Date: 28. Septembris 2004 - 15:10 (Norāde uz piebildi)
Man liekas tādi diezgan sirreāli tie teksti. Kaut gan patumši gan...
kakjux From: [info]kakjux Date: 28. Septembris 2004 - 15:19 (Norāde uz piebildi)
mana iztēle reizēm ir apbrīnojami laba ;)
capslock From: [info]capslock Date: 28. Septembris 2004 - 15:23 (Norāde uz piebildi)
Hmm... :)
Labi, tad neprovocēšu tevi vēl vairāk... :P
kakjux From: [info]kakjux Date: 28. Septembris 2004 - 15:43 (Norāde uz piebildi)
vai ne? un ļausi manām domām bekgroundā procesēt daudz visādu provokatīvu lietu. ;P
martcore From: [info]martcore Date: 28. Septembris 2004 - 21:02 (Norāde uz piebildi)
Patiesībā, šie bija pirmie vārdi, kas man iekrita acīs no Interpol - tikai man likās, ka tur ir "chicken shit, chicken shit, chicken shit, i aaaaaam". Bet scary jebkurā variantā. Vislabākais ir oskarvaildovščina: "when my lifeboat sales to the night".
krum From: [info]krum Date: 29. Septembris 2004 - 08:21 (Norāde uz piebildi)
ocsar wild was a beautiful child
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Name: CapsLock
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