Baseload is yesterday? |
[Dec. 12th, 2024|03:52 pm] |
Ko par to saka zinātne un inženierija?
Īsums ar enerģijas uzglabāšanu. Labi, ka akumulatoru cenas turpina strauji kristies. Slikti, ka EU viegli izgāzās ar ražotņu būvniecību un attīstību, Ķīna atkal jau mums "izgriež pogas". Tīras vides, dzeramā ūdens utml cena ir augsta, bet personīgi es esmu ar mieru to maksāt.
Because renewable production fluctuates with the weather, it often causes grid congestion and cannot always be relied on, while → baseload power from conventional power plants is still used to ensure security of supply. In the future, storing renewable power is predicted to play a more important role in allowing Germany to give up fossil fuels altogether, alongside flexibility options like demand-side management. Some industry players already use battery storage plants to balance short-term fluctuations in power supply and to keep the grid stable |