my hovercraft is full of eels - Tā Kunga Balss iekš Mēness! [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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Tā Kunga Balss iekš Mēness! [11. Okt 2007|13:09]
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"However, in 1969, Apollo astronauts placed seismic devices on the moon's surface to measure the reverberations directly. These devices recorded the impacts of meteorites as expected, but they also picked up a strange, persistent, low-frequency waveform. When the waveform was run through audio processing computers which sped it up and applied various filters to it, it was discovered to be an echoing voice. The voice was speaking in ancient Aramaic!

Later during 1971-1972, Apollos 14 through 17 all included in their mission objectives a project called Chapel Bell, which, although it has been highly classified to this day by the Department of Defense, is well known to have involved the placement of more advanced seismic devices. Note the suggestive project name.

NASA has refused to release any of these recordings to the public (for the obvious reason that it contradicts their Evolutionistic position) and the details of what the voice was actually saying have not been uncovered directly. We know it was something in Aramaic since at the time of the waveform's discovery NASA brought in linguists to try and decipher it. After a week, all the linguists returned home, with one exception: the only one who knew the ancient tongue. Regardless of the recording's precise content, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand what this voice truly represents; the core of the moon still reverberates with the Lord's Words from the day when He created the Heavens."

(The Moon Testifies: Article by Dr. Richard Paley)

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[User Picture]
Date:11. Oktobris 2007 - 17:42
To, ka šādi raksti cilvēkos var izraisīt histēriskus smieklus, šie Sludinātāji, acīmredzot, vai nu nezina, vai neņem vērā savas propagandas ietvaros.
[User Picture]
Date:11. Oktobris 2007 - 18:29
Vai arī tā ir apzināta, šaušalīgi bīstama smadzeņu skalošanas metode: no sākuma mēs smejamies, bet paies gads - un sludināsim kreacionismu!
[User Picture]
Date:11. Oktobris 2007 - 18:50
Esiet jele stipri savā garā, un Baiblbeltas māži neiespēs nodarīt jel kaut ko jūsu skepticismam.