November 8th, 2007

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07:25 pm - In the farest North of the World... #2
Morning pure as a child's soul woke her up. She opened her eyes letting the light to be seen. She felt his warm breath just near and woke him up as gently as she ever could.
-Kai, it is time for you to go,-she whispered and smiled.
After some minutes he was crawling over to his own window, his own room. Gerda was standing near her window and looking at him and he could see a miracle in her beautiful lightgrey eyes. Her eyes were his everything. Even this small distance was too far at that time. Unwillingly they both closed their windows that were the doors to their own little world, the most beautiful world that could be.

Icy winds were attacking the village all night long, some of the elders felt a storm coming, but never said anything - for the sake of this little peaceful life, they left themselves a hope that they were wrong. They left themselves a hope that it wasn't her deadly breath they felt that night before.

After a day of hard work they both found solace by eachother again. Kai was holding a snowflake in his hand so that she could watch this interminable beauty melting and leaving the world.
-Everything comes to an end once,-he said.
-Everything?-asked Gerda. She suddenly felt so cold.
-Yes, even the most beautiful things. They melt just like this little white star, they fade from this world giving pleace for new beauty to be born.
-Will we fade away just like that?-She asked looking at her feet. Kai touched her cheek with his warm hand, raised her eyes and looked straight into her soul.
-No, we won't, I promise. There is only one thing in this strange world that would last for eternity. And it belongs to us.-And he held her in his arms until she stopped shivering, until it was time to return to the village.
Current Mood: [mood icon] cold
Current Music: Enigma

(8 saka | komentēt)


[User Picture]
Date:November 8th, 2007 - 11:24 pm
kārtīgs orgasms.
[User Picture]
Date:November 8th, 2007 - 11:53 pm
Un atvaino par sliktu angļu valodu. I'm confuzzled by my english teacher.
[User Picture]
Date:November 9th, 2007 - 12:26 pm
Ir ļoti labi, acīs krītošu kļūdu nav.
Saturs ir pārāks par gramatiku.
[User Picture]
Date:November 9th, 2007 - 04:40 pm
Ir jau. Bet jā, es domāju par saturu. Es rakstītu latviski, bet 1)es jau iesāku angliski, 2)latviešu valodā ir maz tik spēcīgu vārdu.
Date:November 9th, 2007 - 01:50 am
Andersen would be proud of you.
[User Picture]
Date:November 9th, 2007 - 04:39 pm
Oh, I thank you.
But I am now sure he was slowly rotating in his tomb during the moments I was writing that.
[User Picture]
Date:November 9th, 2007 - 07:10 am
Jaaa tieaam loti labs darbs, daudz latvijas rakstnieki vareetu lepoties.
[User Picture]
Date:November 9th, 2007 - 04:40 pm
Sirsnīgi pateicos.
Mental Asphyxia - In the farest North of the World... #2

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