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Nomirusi pēdējā Aka-Bo valodas runātāja. Šīs valodas un valodu grupas, kurā tā pieder, vecums tiek lēsts ap 65000 gadu. No šīs valodu grupas 1997. gadā bija palikuši 36 runātāji. Valoda, kura nākusi no laikiem vēl pirms neolīta.

  • ???!!!! o mai gaad! skarbi :(
    reizeem skjiet ka daudzu tautu naakotne un nemaz ne tik taala...
    • nez, man jau liekas ka vienai mazai valodai táda pastávéshanas vésture ir iespaidíga.
      Viss tápat kádu reiz beidzas, un dzimst jaunas lietas.
  • Diez no kādiem savādiem gaisiem avotā pagrābts val. vecums.
    • "The languages show no apparent genetic affinity to other languages of Southeast Asia or, indeed, the rest of the world, and there is no evidence of outside influence in the form of borrowing or precolonial linguistic colonization. In sum, it seems reasonably safe to assume that Andamanese is the sole remaining linguistic representative of pre-Neolithic Southeast Asia, its roots perhaps going back as far as the initial colonization of Southeast Asia by modern humans – an isolate that has remained largely unaffected by the vast linguistic spreads that have occurred elsewhere in Southeast Asia in Neolithic and post-Neolithic times, i.e., the expansion of the Austroasiatic, Austronesian, Sino-Tibetan and Tai stocks. Andamanese might therefore give us a glimpse of what pre-Neolithic Southeast Asia may have looked like."

      Burenhult, Niclas (1996). "Deep linguistic prehistory with particular reference to Andamanese." Working Papers 45, 5-24. Lund University: Department of Linguistics
  • Esmu dzirdējis, ka arī citu protovalodu zinātāju vairs neesot daudz. Piemēram, ALGOLā runā diezgan maz.
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