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[Aug. 30th, 2007|08:08 am]
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Today I gave the hospital permission to youthanize my grandma. I can't wait to see how much younger she looks!
The Covert Comic

I've discovered something: A movie theater is the only safe place to utter the phrase, "Hey, I recognize that hooker."
Jeffrey Ehrhart

I've learned not to ask my mother for advice. She really should have clarified that whole "prey/pray" thing before the shootout with the cops started.

The Top Desperate Tourism Slogans

- Come for the Squalor, Stay for the Stonings!
- We Put the "Host" in "Hostage"
- Come Join the Search for Our Weapons of Mass Destruction!
- As Seen on the Discovery Channel's Shark Week
- Genital Mutilation -- With a Smile!
- So Much Fun, We Can't Even Get Your Soldiers to Leave!
- Why Pay Exorbitant Spa Prices? Try Our Montezuma Weight-Loss Plan!
- Cannibalism, Schmannibalism
- For Your Convenience, Our Syphilitic, Toothless, Mentally Unstable Prostitutes Now Accept Visa!
- Hey, Disneyland's Not the Only Place in the World With Giant Rodents
- Become Nebraska's 1000th Tourist and We'll Put You on Our State Quarter!
- That Smell? Why, It's Old-World Charm!!
- Yes, That's Dog in the Stew, But It's *Free Range* Dog
- Ethnically Cleansed for Your Protection

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