p.p.s. šī rindkopa visu paskaidro: There's only one place for the penis to go, and that's to fold it back between the legs. However, first the testicles must be gently pushed into the space they retract to when cold - yes they do pop out again afterwards! If not press gently on the bottom of the abdomen. This is where they sat when you were young, after all.
vārdu sakot, peni starp kājām, bet pautus - vēderā!
Nee nu loceklis ir ljoti elastiigs un nesaapiigi padodas dazhaadaam izvirtiibaam. Probleemas saakas, kad piemeeram tavaa priekshaa izaicinoshi pavedinoshi saak izgjeerbies kaada sieviete. Tad vinjsh izspruks no jebkuras sleeptuves lai ienjemtu starta poziiciju ... :)
Mirjamai jau ir 11 gada puisīša loceklis, so šai jau ir vieglāk. jo cik saprotu - kopš šī (?) dzer tās hormonu tabletes vairs uz vīrišķo pusi neattīstas.