13 April 2023 @ 12:47 pm
Between a rock and a hard place  
Struggling. What else is new?
When I say that I hate people, the worst thing you can do is point out that not all people are bad. Am I generalizing when I say what I say, yes! Of course there are good people out there, somewhere, clearly hiding from me. For every decent person there is a shitload of assholes. Whenever I decide to let my guard down a bit and let someone in, 99,9% of the time they will prove that they are worthless pieces of shit. I am not talking about dating or finding a soul mate or any of that to be precise. I am talking generally of neighbors, colleagues, random people you meet on the street. And by letting in, I mean having a decent "life has put us in close proximity, why not try to be friendly and decent to each other" kind of thing. And again, I don't mean being friends, just finding a way to coexist and not hate each others guts. Why the hell is that so hard? Why do people have to be little bitches with no soul or common decency? It amazes me how fucked up communication between people has become.
One last bit. However strained my relationship with my family can be at times, if you ever come for them, be sure that I will rip your throat out.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk.