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You have a great opportunity to experience Finnish summer nearby city called TAMPERE.

In Finland there are plenty of farms that grow berries like black currant and raspberries and they do it as natural as it’s possible.

Two guest houses need a help – reliable and hardworking people during these summer holidays:

1st farm, Mattila talo”, is looking for 2 boys that could manage driving with tractors and cars (cutting grass, taking berries to city market...) and doing things that are connected with agriculture! Duration is for whole summer period starting from June!

They will need some girls as well (about 2-4) who could pick up black currant in around middle of summer, the end of July. The salary is not yet confirmed, but it is reasonable – more you pick more you get! So, they pay by kilograms you have picked! (Additional: faster you pick them all, less you have to pay for accommodation, less expenseJ)

Pay-up is about 7, 59- 10%/h. It is 6, 83 EUR/h from which costs of living is charged off.  You can have more information if you write to owners directly: jukka.ollinsaari at elisanet punkts fi  or you can have a look in home page as well: www.oriseutu.fi

2 nd guest house „Henkireika”  which nowadays has the biggest organic raspberry field in Finland, would like to have 2 – 3 girls around the end of July (they mentioned 27 th and it is the same period as it’s required from „Mattila talo” ) for two or three weeks.  Check it out: www.henkireika.fi

If you haven’t got any summer plans yet – you’ve got an opportunity to make it different!

If you have any questions, let me know: laura.rate21 at gmail punkts com

User: [info]darbs
Name: Meklē darbu?
Back Maijs 2022
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