per silentium ad as†ra mille - the moon is a cold chiseled dagger, sharp enough to draw blood from a stone [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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the moon is a cold chiseled dagger, sharp enough to draw blood from a stone [Jan. 25th, 2011|11:11 am]
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Tomiņš turpina dentālo tēmu.

Black Wings

Take an eye for an eye
Take a tooth for a tooth
Just like they say in the Bible
Never leave a trace or forget a face
Of any man at the table
When the moon is a cold chiseled dagger
Sharp enough to draw blood from a stone
He rides through your dreams on a coach
And horses and the fence posts
In the midnight look like bones
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Date:January 25th, 2011 - 01:07 pm
ja nākamais tēmas turpinātājs būs Leonards, tad visu trīs manu mīļoto dievu vīriešu panteons šim rītam/dienai būs nokomplektēts :>