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[30. Sep 2009|20:41]
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Another feature of Broca’s aphasia that occurs in severe cases is a deficit in which language production is limited only to ‘recurring utterances’. These are words and phrases that are involuntarily produced each time the patient attempts to speak or respond. These can also occur in global aphasia, and take the form of jargon (e.g., ‘tono, tono’*), single words (e.g., ‘yes, yes’), or sentences (e.g., ‘sweet sweetie, I miss sweet sweetie’). These individuals cannot modify the utterance, nor can they produce any novel speech, though other automatized sequences (e.g., counting or naming the days of the week) are often also preserved.

* Ilustratīvais materiāls.
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Date:30. Septembris 2009 - 20:55
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Date:30. Septembris 2009 - 21:12
Vienkārši fantastisks!
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Date:30. Septembris 2009 - 21:51
iečeko atbilstošu linku no mana profila - dievišķais šrēbers
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Date:30. Septembris 2009 - 23:22
Tiesa, afāzija neietekmē izpratni par realitāti (atšķirībā no šizofrēnijas).