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Dienas citāts [Sep. 5th, 2021|10:20 am]
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Stress as something that can kill you, but you do it every day anyways.

This should be at the top. My therapist likes to remind me how horrible stress is for humans and that it's taking time off my life. Which stresses me out. So I'm stressed about stressing too much, which also means I'm stressed about about everything else even more because life is hard. I've resigned myself to dying early as a result and eating goldfish crackers whenever I feel like it because it brings me joy.

I wish you luck with your stress. I hope you have lots of joy too.
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Date:September 5th, 2021 - 09:24 pm
fckn word
stressing about the fact that my current life is stressful - yey!
es cenšos iemācīties to nedarīt.
kā arī, nevēlos iedzīvoties parkinsonā, kurš man ģenētiski pienāktos :(