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12:47: Viss jau reiz ir bijis...
Amerikāņi gatavojas celt sociālismu, būs viņiem "subotņiki" un visi citi labumi, gan jau būs arī 4. novembra gājieni :)
Obama will call on citizens of all ages to serve America, by developing a plan to require 50 hours of community service in middle school and high school and 100 hours of community service in college every year.
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Ok, guys, I’ve seen this before, I’ve been a part of it before, I’ve participated in this s**t before! The name of that “before” was Soviet school and summer work (letnyaya otrabotka). During our summer vacation (precious short Ural summer) we had to work for a month for the “good of our school and our society”. At 8 am we had to be there and free children labor began - cleaning the territory around school, washing desks, walls, etc., in classrooms. Once they were expecting a supervisor from the school district and the school yard didn’t look good, so they gave us regular paper scissors to cut the grass around the school. Also they sent us on kolkhoz, basically working for farmers cutting herbs. Luckily I only had to do this for one summer because my parents were sending me to Pioneer camp.
And it’s not just this one thing that looks like a replica of the Soviet Union, the whole campaign, the methods he used to brain wash people, the songs on utube that the kids were singing about Obama were almost literal translations of songs from the 1930’s-1950’s about Tovarisch Stalin and Dedushka (Grandpa) Lenin. It looks like nightmare deja vu! His supporters look the same way as the Russian people looked in the time of Stalin, how they adored him. I can’t believe that history taught them nothing. What else can you expect from the what kids are taught, or not taught, today in American schools. I fear that my 4th grade daughter can repeat bad part of my childhood in Soviet schools here in “free” America. So, welcome to the USSA! My congratualtions to the 62,000,000 +/- who voted for Tovarisch Barack!


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Date:7. Novembris 2008 - 13:55


[User Picture]
Date:7. Novembris 2008 - 13:59
Vispār jau Latvijai tā kā vajadzētu ar ASV atjaunot vīzu režīmu tagad...;)
[User Picture]
Date:7. Novembris 2008 - 14:13
Tas būtu forši: uztaisīt nevēlamo personu sarakstu - Chomskis, Aijerss ... :)
Date:7. Novembris 2008 - 15:31
Būtu patiesi jauki, ja tā būtu patiesība. Taču pa īstam es priecāšos tikai tad, kad sāks nacionalizēt Coca-Cola, Microsoft utt. ;)
[User Picture]
Date:7. Novembris 2008 - 15:44
Ceru, ka prieks nebūs mazāks kā redzams šajā bildē :)
Date:7. Novembris 2008 - 15:56
Un vēl TV Panorāma varētu vakaros izklaidēt publiku ar ziņām: Valsts prezidents Slakteris nosūtīja telegrammu ASV prezidentam Obamam, kurā apsveica amerikāņu tautu ar piecgades plāna izpildīšanu trīs gados. ;)
[User Picture]
Date:7. Novembris 2008 - 16:07
Teksasčina, Alabamščina opjaķ ņevipolņiļi plan :)
Date:7. Novembris 2008 - 17:03
Bet Švarcnegers varētu nēsāt pie žaketes varoņa zvaigznes un diktēt memuārus "Kā es cīnījos pret sliktajiem", "Kā es cīnījos pret sliktajiem 2", "Kā es cīnījos pret sliktajiem 3", "Kā es cīnījos pret sliktajiem 4" ...
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