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perception and understanding pie valentinas [Mar. 12th, 2009|07:37 pm]
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Viņs kaut ko gribēju, bet es nesapratu ko. Beidzot, bija jāatzistas, ka Я очен плоxо пoнимаю по рускии, un viņš prasīja "English?"
"Как ты знаешьб?” (I asked, although I know it is written on my forehead)
"Пиво - Ты xочиш Пиво?"

Bija 10os pie Valentinas veikala. Izskatījas, ka viņam gaja slikti - viņa 60 gadu ķermenis drebēja.
"плоко да?"

Iegāju veikalā un nopirku parasto, zilo pudeli pilzenes. To atvēru, iedzeru mazliet, un iedeva viņam.
" вы гoворите по латишки?” es prasīju.
"Protams, es neesmu viens no tiem durakiem, kas nemāk..."
Un tad viņš kļuva mierigāk, un mēs ļoti mierīgi runājam - no punch in the garām zīmes, you understand - no strut in the stress, just the soft slouch of two slackers in the parade ground - softly exhaling an old familiar second language. The facts our language described calm and ramshackle - like old wooden dwellings peacefully collapsing on the left bank of the Daugava.

Un mēs sarokojāmies, un viņš lēni un apzinīgi parādīja man savu roku, uz kurā bija cietuma tetovējums- 'outlaw'.
Es teicu, ka es zinu, ko tas nozimē, bet viņs, vienalga, paskaidroja:

"25 gadus cietumā, ilgi vai nē? Vienā mazā kamerā ar spaini - 25 gadus tur sēdēju."
"Bet tagad tu esi brivs, zinama mera."
"Zinama mera"

Piedāvāja man viņš to alu, bet es atteicos ar "Sen neesmu redzējis savu meitu - biju prom četras dienas, un gribu viņu redzēt"

"25 gadus - ilgi"
"A kā tu doma - viņa man piedos?" un viņš skatījas uz augšu.

Viņs paņema manu roku, un vēlreiz teica
"A kā tu doma - viņa man piedos?" bet šo jautājumu viņš uzdeva, it ka tas nebija jautājums - un viņs sāka drēbēt un viņa acis kļuva sarkanas.
Un budams idiots, kas protu redzēt lietas tikai no savas vietas, es pieņemēju, ka viņš domāja par kadu sievieti ar kuru viņš dzivo - kadu sievu vai meitu, kas viņu gaida vienā dzivoklī 10ajā stāvā tajā blokmajā, kas stāvēja aiz mums, un atbildēju

"Man nav ne jausmas"

Un viņš atrava savu roku, un mēs atvadijamies.
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[User Picture]
Date:March 12th, 2009 - 09:40 pm
where d'you go? un būt bez jausmas ir būt tik šķīstam.
[User Picture]
Date:March 12th, 2009 - 10:23 pm
Uz majam - un pec 2 stundām, es sapratu par ko/kuru viņš bija runājis.
(es baidos pateikt vienu vārdu par šķīstību)
[User Picture]
Date:March 16th, 2009 - 08:53 pm
You know, this one story is haunting me. literally. everything, the pauses, the between-liners. in a word, i'm hooked.
[User Picture]
Date:March 17th, 2009 - 12:31 pm
the thought of what he was talking about also haunts me ( mani spokoja?) - he seemed haunted by a real fear.
[User Picture]
Date:March 17th, 2009 - 03:16 pm
it haunts me, rougly, I would say: tā neatkāpjas no manis, tā mani vajā, tai ir vara pār mani, something like that. we don't have a precise equivalent of to haunt. alas. not part of our brainspace.
The thing is unbelievably and painfully poetic, but, well, on the Left bank everything is. not here, in our sleeper-district. but there is an amenity - the forest and stuff. a nice day to you!
[User Picture]
Date:March 17th, 2009 - 03:23 pm
about not part of our brainspace: on the second thought I'd sooner say: it's absence in Latvian registers as an unacknowledged, unarticulated structure of feeling. worries me. well, anyway, it's either me and my pauper's vocabulary or a language of vacuums for solid things - such as being haunted.
does worry me. but well....
[User Picture]
Date:March 17th, 2009 - 11:36 pm
'a language of vacuums for solid things'- I need to think about that - really.
Can you be haunted by a feeling unformed/not 'caught'in our web of words? If so, best not to try to pin it down. We English speakers say 'haunted', but really we don't think about it - it's tripped off the tongue and we all assume we know the unknowable.. Vot.
[User Picture]
Date:March 18th, 2009 - 07:36 am
all I'm saying is: not languages are equal in what they have represented in them and what they don't. Latvian will never have the 26 words for different snow the way Greenlanders have, but, for thinking-reasons, it's probably a lack that, even on the level of word for a thing - for, example, don't we agree that being haunted exists? - we are short of things, so even on the level of vocabulary we don't acknowledge, don't register, the existence of things, thence the poverty of thinking, or reflection [that's what this thingy illustrates to me]: and the too ready loosing of the impoverished mind = the scarcity, my theory, of mental resources, nothing else = our own peculiar kind of backwardness, which, among other things, results in Olaine syndrome from your following entry [don't think I'm making myself too clear, but you'll have to make do]; all I'm saying the predictability of such Latvian response to a self-made [for it is first of all our self-made one] calamity makes me want to cry; we are growing into second most depressed = self-hating nation in Europe after Hungarians. And that's our male rather than female problem; the females have their own kinds of negativity. But men - they don't know how not to lose that mind. so, of course, you may go with your stereotypical [sorry, but that's what the 'interesting' thing is] responses to crisis wherever it was you sent yourself to, and we, in our turn, will keep losing the mind - stereotypical in our own way. we don't know how to change, but change is imperative, now more than ever: in this case, change would be at least attempting to think of one response as a way out, of taking the risks and trying to invent a personal and then collective way out, but there is no impulse. no impulses for people who listen only to their own navel - socially autistic. That's us.
[User Picture]
Date:March 18th, 2009 - 07:45 am
by the way, 2 things: I can't begin to describe how much I like your userpikča and
the man from this story seems to me to be, with all his all so human fear, an exception to my rule: if there is anything in life to it. namely, a survivor. a-not-Olaine-man. well, he IS haunting me, obviously.
[User Picture]
Date:March 18th, 2009 - 03:34 pm
Ah the userpic is of Trevor Brooking - a footballing 'elks' all wrapped up in childhood, family, and memories of home - both temporal and spatial.

He also existed very well in the ahem 'tempoaral and spatial' mayhem of the football field, being the most elegant footballer of his generation.
[User Picture]
Date:March 18th, 2009 - 05:11 pm
well, that must be IT: elegant - oh, thank you for the word - is one of the few things I come alive for. I'm beginning to see, why the whole thing now. otherwise i would have spent entire life wondering about the whereandwhats of brookings