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vogon en vogue [Apr. 6th, 2016|12:42 pm]
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ērcīgs kā Laimamāte, tikko saņemu šādu korespondenci:

>Thank you for your positive reply.

huh?!? positive? as in eič ai vī pazitif?
kroč, vakar aizskaitīju saujiņu monētu par domēnu Islandes kantorim, bet šorīt man ziņo sarūgtināts, ka piecīti par sviedraino kreklu nokasījuši zelta druvas trieciennieki (biōmaķ, ja man šodien tražekdōrijā pagadīsies kāds pēterītis strautiņš vai cits repševics, izraušu apakšžokli bez anestēzijas un ar to pašu mandibulu izduršu acis maitu lijai ka nemetās)

lūk, mans pozitīfs:

Góðan daginn, YYY!
Bloody bankers… They only charged me 0.36 for yesterday’s transaction. Well, sorry, it’s mostly my fault, I should’ve renewed through as you say.
Pray tell me, YYY – should I transfer 10 EUR then if the bastards are gonna charge you a fiver again for their hard work?

un darbinieces replika:
>I'm glad you don't blame us for this unexpected extra charge you are receiving.
>I think paypal is the best option. I don't think that the bank will add another 5 EUR if you only transfer 5 EUR, it would be ridiculous.

>Thank you again, and have a lovely day yourself :)
vot, pavadu savu poku rītu, flirtējot ar jaunkundzīti Atlantijas bēniņos.
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Date:April 6th, 2016 - 04:51 pm
A man jau vīna pēcpusdiena :)