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12:54 pm: copy-paste no copy-paste
hey /h/ slight newfag here.. But i've been into the 4chan side of the intarwebs for some time without realising it :p.

i wonder if u /h/tards could give me some true opinons on a few things. I'm not gonna ask you to be serious because thats a paradox of some kind :p but well it's kind of a measure of how weird i am compared to the rest of you >.<

1.Paedophilia. Is it really wrong? Am i the only one that realises having sexual desires for younger people cannot be controlled and is the saem as being gay?? It's acting on them that is wrong (i.e raping a young girl)

2. I find women attractive and not men, but i still have a facination with the penis, and would be quite curious to give head, but i stress everything else about men disgusts me..anyone else?

3.Do you think there is such a thing as love? All i see everywhere are people with an equal amount of attractiveness matchign themselves and having sex, and soemtimes settling down because society maeks them + fear of dying alone. Yet what i seek more than anything else is this naive idea of love....

IN before bel-air , obvious troll is obvious, newfag is very new etc etc etc


[User Picture]
Date:November 23rd, 2007 - 01:35 pm
post tits or gtfo. also you broke rule 1 and 2.
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