vestules' Journal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in vestules' LiveJournal:

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    Friday, November 12th, 2010
    4:06 pm
    Milzīgs paldies no manis, ķibera, Dienas biznesa un zatlera, kurš šajā pasākumā sēdēja pirmajā rindā un nezināja, kā reaģēt uz jokiem
    Wednesday, August 11th, 2010
    12:42 pm
    Bon, il faut que tu m'aides.
    Si tu as une copine qui est à Paris, arrange moi un rendez-vous avec elle. J'ai besoin d'une girlfriend.
    Si t'es mon amie aide moi.

    Bisous, t'es la meilleure.
    12:40 pm
    Can you do a TV show this Friday?
    Dear Santa,

    It is a candid camera show. You would play the daughter of an eastern European man who is making the arrangements for your wedding. He has an unlimited budget but there is a question about where the money is coming from.

    The shoot is Friday but they would like to meet before to discuss the piece before.

    Friday, April 23rd, 2010
    1:53 am
    .. I'm happy to know that you want to live further with another girl!
    I don't know why but I'm so happy that you are alive and fine (so sorry for the other day at roppongi hills when I touched to your face... even though I was serious, but I shouldn't have done...)

    Tuesday, April 20th, 2010
    3:21 am
    Jūsu izvēlētajā nozarē ir publicēta jauna vakance!

    Amata nosaukums: Modele
    Darba devējs: DARBS-IR, SIA
    Tuesday, April 6th, 2010
    2:57 am
    Hi Dear One
    How are you today, I hope everything is well with you. Sorry to worry you about with my proposal for a relationship with you, but I know that my request will be granted in a good and understanding way, my name is Miss Halima,i saw your profile today at expatriates site and became intrested in you, also i will like to know more about you. I'm hoping to hear from you soon so that i will send more details about my self Including my picture to you. I think we can move from here. Bear in mind that Love has no colours barrier, no educational back ground barrier, no socio-economic barrier, religious, language, nationality or distance barrier, the only important thing is love,truth,caring and understanding.
    Monday, April 5th, 2010
    3:40 am
    cuirassee potemkin
    T'a encore fait une bêtise voila tout... lol
    Friday, March 26th, 2010
    6:14 am
    Šovakar spelēju pienā un nebija daudz cilvēku.. spēlēju mierīgo mūziku kādas 2 stundas, tad es liku visādus skaistus gabalus un iedomājos par tevi
    Monday, February 22nd, 2010
    11:26 pm
    why don't you stay at our place? It's nothing big or fancy, but you're welcome

    christina & beate
    Wednesday, January 13th, 2010
    1:48 pm
    I am trying to extend my Australian visa and I need to run everywhere to get everything done in time.
    The most problematic aspect is that I need to prove that Moritz and I have an ongoing relationship (more than a year). Since we didn't have a joint bank account in Japan, the immigration officer has asked me to find as many documents as possible including supporting letters from family and friends who can act as witnesses.
    Wednesday, December 30th, 2009
    8:56 pm
    subject: une main en or en plâtre
    Wednesday, February 18th, 2009
    8:53 am
    Dear all,

    A welcome/farewell party for the Chinese Patent Office members will be held.
    Anybody is welcomed.

    Tuesday, February 10th, 2009
    5:57 pm
    Tang san, a Chinese handsome guy wants to have a pillow.
    I told him to visit you.
    Tuesday, January 27th, 2009
    5:09 am
    i'm a buddist nun who met you at Cambodian restaurant last was lovely to see you will be nice to see you again. will be great if you can make it tonight for the meditation class, and if not hope to see you somewhere soon again :)
    Friday, December 26th, 2008
    12:20 pm
    Dear Friends! I wish you a Merry Christmas! May all your dreams come true and may your lives be full of happy moments! Ksenia
    Monday, November 24th, 2008
    2:51 am
    INBOX: > Ma soeur est enceinte.
    > C'est pas facile la vie.

    OUTBOX: c'est toi qui l'a fait?
    Thursday, November 13th, 2008
    2:36 pm
    The gathering photograph which is taken the occasion where it does to the Toho Co., Ltd. observation with class of dog child director was raised below.  Because it increases about 1 weeks, please inform the one where participant of the other laboratory the acquaintance is.
    Thursday, November 6th, 2008
    12:20 pm
    Dear INTERNATIONAL students:

    Want to experience a Japanese "yummy" sport?
    Contact us if you are interested.

    RICE CAKE Making with children

    The time has been fixed.
    For you, it might be very, very early....

    time&date: Nov. 22, 7:00-11:30am
    Tuesday, November 4th, 2008
    4:17 pm
    Everyone  Today is Serizawa.  November 5th (the water) at the Ando laboratory you can point to the compilation of the work, “tramcar” from 16 o'clock. (Most at mac of inner part) It is at request from entire research [shinemateitsukuato] Harada corporation Waseda.  Method and supervision of producing attend. We ask may.  

    Friday, October 3rd, 2008
    6:15 am
    postcard from france
    Ha oui, j'ai oublié de te dire:
    les japonais, CA PUE DU CUL !
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