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Februāris 27., 2004

[info]watt12:25 - Friend of a friend
Ziņa tiem, kas traki interesējas par social-networking utt. Atceros, [info]smejmoon bija uztaisījis skripteli, kas rādīja no kādiem drauģeļiem tu visvairāk iespaidojies, vai kādu cilvēku tev vajadzētu pielikt pie draugiem, jo visi tavi draugi viņu ir iecienījuši.

Tātad, lai datus par daugiem iegūtu, vairs nav jālasa userinfo un jāsvīst to mēģinot saprast - ir pieejams jauks FOAF xml failiņš: /users/[lietotāja vārds]/data/foaf.

Friend of a Friend (FOAF) support for LiveJournal. This is the result of
much effort on the part of crschmidt who has spearheaded the
drive to get FOAF implemented on LiveJournal.

FOAF is a service that provides information on a person in a machine-friendly
format. Such information includes: username, contact (AIM/ICQ/etc), web page,
journal address, interests, and friends. (Note that if you've hidden your
contact information it is also hidden in FOAF.)

This system also supports the ability to redirect people to external FOAF
resources by setting a URL in the editinfo page. It's in a new section
called 'Advanced Options' towards the bottom. This is stored in a new userprop
called external_foaf_url.

To see your FOAF page, visit /users/USERNAME/data/foaf (after this has gone
live, of course). For more information on FOAF itself, visit:

Concern has been expressed that since right
now the friends list is used for people you know, people you trust, people
you don't really know but you read, and all sorts of things, it'd be nice
if there was a way to specify WHO you know.

There is now a special friends group called "FOAF-knows" which you can
create. Whoever you put in this friends group will be listed in your
FOAF "knows" section. Note that you still can't list communities or
syndicated journals. Only people.

But at least now you have control over exactly who you list as someone you know.

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( )Anonīms- ehh.. šitajam cibiņam netīk anonīmie, nesanāks.
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