29. · februāris

24. Februāris 2007

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Nick Hornby, "High Fidelity"
Is it so wrong, wanting to be at home with your record collection? It's not like collecting records is like collecting stamps, or beermats, or antique thimbles. There's a whole world in here, a nicer, dirtier, more violent, more peaceful, more colourful, sleazier, more dangerous, more loving world than the world I live in; there is history, and geography, and poetry, and countless other things i should have studied at school, including music.
"How does he do it?" you ask yourselves. "He wears bad sweaters, he gives his ex-girlfriend a hard time, he's grumpy, he's broke, he hangs out with the Musical Moron Twins, and yet he gets to go to bed with American recording artist who looks like Susan Dey. What's going on?"
u.c. un arī tulkojumi )
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