Patiesā notikumu gaita - Zelta melnais caurums

About Zelta melnais caurums

Previous Entry Zelta melnais caurums18. Mar 2005 @ 11:42 Next Entry
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Date: 18. Marts 2005 - 12:34
hmm jaa taisniiba.
"Hawking radiation originates just outside the event horizon and, so far as it is understood, does not carry information from its interior. However, this means that black holes are not completely black: the effect implies that the mass of a black hole slowly evaporates with time. Although these effects are negligible for astronomical black holes, they are significant for hypothetical very small black holes where quantum-mechanical effects dominate. Indeed, small black holes are predicted to undergo runaway evaporation and eventually vanish in a burst of radiation. Hence, every black hole that cannot consume new mass has a finite life that is directly related to its mass."
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