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Grischa Lichtenberger - ~Treibgut (12") (Raster-noton) [Jul. 22nd, 2009|10:27 am]

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Autechre faniem patiks
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[Mar. 21st, 2009|12:09 am]
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pixel’s album `the drive` is meant to be the soundtrack to his imaginary journey by car across the U.S.A., a road movie encoded in the track list. with warm and deep guitar amplifier hiss and feedback in connection with floating rhythms he creates very organic sound patterns /
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Alva Noto - Xerrox Vol. 2 [Jan. 20th, 2009|05:11 pm]
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While 2007's Xerrox Vol. 1 was concerned with notions of the "old world" and firmly rooted in the classical tradition, according to Raster-Noton Vol. 2 strives to access a "new world", working with samples that have been gathered and developed in the USA.

With a linear aeshetic that references the strategies of film music ("a journey without a predetermined target"), Xerrox Vol. 2 is an album which needs to be treated as a whole. The first four tracks are really one entity, and make use of samples of Michael Nyman and Sunn O)))'s Stephen O'Malley, while 'Sora' is based on a fragment Nicolai and Ryuichi Sakamoto's 2004 Insen tour.
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