No: Ritualistic Nature Dolmen is the work of two artists, Steven K. Smith and Jason Sloan. In "Ritual Awakening" we find tension and mystery and to some degree, we find Dolmen exploring the idea of music created by a non-existent culture. To other degrees we find Dolmen constrained within walls of roaring synth ambience and meandering synthetic textures,as if the artists are reticent to completely give way to a fully tribal resonance. When Dolmen get the balance between these two aspects right, as on the track "Ritual Awakening," the results are quite sublime--a distinctive mixture of strange foreign chanting, harrowing synth ambience, and percussive textures. Often, however, the effect is somehow lessened by the overwhelming synth walls, which often descend into a sonic morass, as with the album's opener "In the Heat." The overall feeling of Ritual Awakening is that of being present during a strange and exotic ceremony, but not, as might be assumed, as a participant. One feels that he has been drugged by the natives, placed in the center of their temple, and is fluctuating between hazy awareness and complete sensory overload.
(some words taken from Skean Dhu) Released in 2002 by Skean Dhu Label
1- In The Heat 2- Clouds Of A Christ 3- Ritual Awakening 4- Conversations With Ghosts 5- I Call For You At Every Corridor 6- Storm Of Earth 7- White Mornings 8- Efland Cuairteach