muzons - Gogol Bordello – Trans-Continental Hustle (2010) [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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Gogol Bordello – Trans-Continental Hustle (2010) [Apr. 22nd, 2010|12:50 am]
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The eagerly-awaited fifth studio album from the Alt-Rock outfit and the first to be release since 2007’s Super Taranta!. Produced by Grammy award-winning producer Rick Rubin, Trans-Continental Hustle combines the band’s radical invocations of positive primal energy and planetary consciousness with music infused with Ska, Metal, Punk, Rap, Dub and intimations of indigenous Brazilian sounds to produce a party maelstrom of electrifying proportions. Led by revolutionary change agent and provocateur Eugene Hutz, Gogol Bordello, a nine-piece juggernaut of gypsy rebel soul, has become an international force to be reckoned with.

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[User Picture]
Date:April 22nd, 2010 - 12:56 am
imho viņu mūzika sāka zaudēt, kad viņi sāka iesildīt manu chao. mūzika uzlabojās, bet tā uzlabojās uz manu chao pusi un zaudēja bordello. katrā koncertā varēja redzēt šīs izmaiņas.
[User Picture]
Date:April 22nd, 2010 - 12:58 am
tā vienmēr notiek =(
[User Picture]
Date:April 22nd, 2010 - 01:03 am
vienmēr, kad kāda grupa iesilda manu chao?? :) ir tak gadījumi, kur iesildošās grupas ir daudz oriģinālākas par zvaigznēm un ietekme notiek otrā virzienā. imho gogoļa ņujorkas klezmers bija kas īpašs pankā.
Date:April 22nd, 2010 - 02:13 am
Citējot viņa paša "American Wedding": all this fucking thing is one big disappointment.
[User Picture]
Date:April 22nd, 2010 - 09:51 am
most annoying band ever.
protams, tikai manuprāt.