muzons - Portugal. The Man - American Ghetto (2010) [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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Portugal. The Man - American Ghetto (2010) [Mar. 2nd, 2010|10:11 pm]
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Portugal. The Man is an experimental indie rock four-piece centered around frontman John Baldwin Gourley’s abstract musical approach and corresponding upbringing. He was raised in a sort of technological isolation: his log cabin home in the winter wasteland of the fringes of Wasilla, Alaska was powered by a generator and had no telephone. Both of his parents helped completely immerse him in the unique lifestyle that comes with a land of seasonal darkness and perpetual cold with their jobs as dog sled mushers. Gourley’s innate curiosity and individual spirit combined with a fascination with science fiction and experiences of homelessness create a distinctly transcendent sound that is always open to interpretation and change.

The Dead Dog

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