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iesaku Aug. 5th, 2004|11:49 am

* Dark Ambient, Death/Black/Heavy Metal

Muzikālo karjeru sācis kā Norvēģu Black Metal aizsācēju grupas Emperor basists. Pēc pēkšņas grupas pamešanas uzsāk solokarjeru. Ģitāru vietā Mortiis galvenokārt strādā ar elektroniskiem instrumentiem, radot draudošu, skumju atmosfēru.

(bet mazās meitenītes čurā biksēs un siekalojas, skatoties uz Marilyn Manson... ;D )

"The Smell Of Rain" (2001)
Scar Trek / Parasite God

We are floating - Above the mountains.
Watching all the tiny people.
How they waste themselves away.
Obey themselves away.

How willingly - They lay their love.
How willingly - They sacrifice themselves,
To the locust master - to the one that drowned the world.

They love their Parasite God - Yet they crucify me.

How willingly - They lay their love.
How willingly - They sacrifice themselves,
To the bringer of hunger - To the one that drowned the world.

They love their Parasite God - Yet they crucify me.

I want to be your Parasite God.
So I can show you who you really are.
I want to be your Parasite God.
So I can show you who you really are.

They love their Parasite God - Yet they crucify me.

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