muzons - Declan De Barra - Song of a Thousand Birds [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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Declan De Barra - Song of a Thousand Birds [Jun. 6th, 2009|12:14 pm]
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[mood |we are far too easily pleased]
[music |Roper - Quicksilver]

Tā, šeku jums alternatīva scat-grind-coriem - bijušā īru-austrāļu grupas Clann Zú vokālista pirmais solo albums, manās acīs labāks par otro. Grandioza balss, nepārspīlēju.

They cast our bodies into a hole
and from the hole a tree will grow you'll see,
and from its branches leaves will grow
just to let the people know we're here below...
Blossoms break out in the summertime
each petal that drops is to remind them all we're here,
and from our hands fruit will grow
to be eaten by kids who will never know our names,my love...
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Date:June 6th, 2009 - 12:47 pm
eiii, tev daudz daudz daudz atzinigu pateiciibas vaardu, zhestu un neartikuleetu skanu, es tieshi nupat tiku pie kompja un padomaaju, ka jaasak veidot tur skaistas muuzikas uzkraajumi
Date:June 6th, 2009 - 01:04 pm
Buč, tad likšu vēl ;-).
Tu vēl Sicī?
[User Picture]
Date:June 6th, 2009 - 01:33 pm
jaa, es veel sheit un jaa dod man veel :D
un buchas arii tev