muzons - nav ko turēt sveci zem pūra [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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nav ko turēt sveci zem pūra [Aug. 6th, 2008|05:49 pm]
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va - part time punks vol. 3 - girls at our best

01 inflatable boy clams - boystown
02 sara goes pop - sexy terrorist
03 honey bane - girl on the run
04 big combo - 21 girls
05 vital disorders - let's talk about prams
06 petticoats - normal
07 androids of mu - bored housewives
08 au pairs - domestic departure
09 pink section - francine's list
10 plus instruments - things
11 out on blue six - party mood
12 the flowers - food
13 ja ja ja - i am an animal
14 family fodder - savoir faire
15 ludus - unveil
16 mo dettes - bitta truth
17 y pants - love's a disease
18 prag vec - the follower
19 mydolls - (the)rapist
20 janet armstrong - inadequate
21 hamburger all-stars - i woke up
22 the ankh - before success
23 snatch - joey
24 noh mercy - caucasian guilt
25 current obsessions - fish
26 the take - summer
27 martina + part time punx - mehr von dir
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[User Picture]
Date:August 6th, 2008 - 05:52 pm
paldies [info]jd.
[User Picture]
Date:August 6th, 2008 - 10:42 pm
oooh, šis ir zelts!!!