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<a href='http://www.discogs.com/artist/Apparat'>Apparat, Sascha Ring</a>
Jāatzīst, ka viens no maniem favourite artist'iem vispār. It kā kaut kas līdzīgs Diagram of Suburban Chaos vai Autechre (vairāk gan pirmajos divos albūmos - Multifunktionsebene un Tttrial and Eror), bet tomēr manī citādākas izjūtas izraisošs. Šitie ir treki no viņa pēdējā albūma <a href='http://www.discogs.com/release/162152'>Duplex</a> (<a href='<a href='http://allmusic.com/cg/amg.dll?p=amg&uid=UIDMISS70404170442211299&sql=Aan4tk6hxtkr3'>AMG Review</a>) un, cik pats esmu klausījies, šeit jau viņš sāk meklēt kaut ko jaunu. Vismaz priekš sevis.
<a href='http://www.m3style.lv/arteck/msc/cntrd.mp3'>Apparat - Contradiction</a> [4:47, 6.7 Mb, 192 Kbit] (Dzied viņš pats, starp citu) <a href='http://www.m3style.lv/arteck/msc/ws.mp3'>Apparat - Warm Signal</a> [5:12, 7.2 Mb, 192 Kbit]
<i>"The flow of information is being disturbed. This morse code is not working any longer. This transmission is being intercepted. It’s being taken and crafted. And molded. And built into something far greater and more satisfying than the simplicity we had in mind. There are more shades of meaning being dispersed, more feelings to be evoked, more, more, more. This is Apparat’s view, at least: that more is better. And I’m inclined to agree."</i>
No <a href='http://www.stylusmagazine.com/review.php?ID=1359'>šejienes</a>. |