cirque du soleil |
[Apr. 2nd, 2008|07:00 pm] |

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bā nu izmantojam mīlīši tak tagus lai zinātu vismaz žanru
Cik noprotu cirkā uzvests uzvedums par Ikarusu. Klausīties: lounge music wiki: Cirque du Soleil (French for "Circus of the Sun", in English pronounced /sɜrk duː soʊˈleɪ/) is an entertainment empire based in Montreal, Quebec, Canada located in Saint-Michel, and founded in Baie-Saint-Paul in 1984 by two former street performers, Guy Laliberté and Daniel Gauthier Varekai is a Cirque du Soleil touring production that premiered in Montreal in 2002 The plot is based loosely on the Greek myth of Icarus, who melts his wings after flying too close to the sun. Rather than drowning in the sea below him, in Varekai Icarus lands inside a lush forest, in which the creatures teach him how to fly again. 
novelc vienu daļu, un sapratīsi ;) (jā cirks par ikarusu)
klausos maispeisā - naiss
jāpameklē moš šamējiem ir dvd
Visai daudz dvd. Mans mīļākais ir Quidam, bet arī Alegria ir baisi foršs.
daļēji/brīžiem moderns dead can dance | |