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This Is Your Captain Speaking [Oct. 16th, 2007|01:33 am]
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[music |This Is Your Captain Speaking - Gathering Pieces]

This Is Your Captain Speaking - Storyboard ļoti smuks, rāms, izteiksmīgs un interesants austrāļu postroks.

"Seven tracks and 66 minutes later,Storyboard is the debut album from Melbourne instrumentalists This is Your Captain Speaking. Recorded live in a primary school library,Storyboard captures the band’s extraordinary ability to evoke atmosphere and emotion. Moving from minimal ambience and beautiful intertwining melodies to soaring sonic reverberations, moments of country & amp; western and psychedelia, Storyboard captures This is Your Captain Speaking’s highly original and fluid sound."

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Date:October 16th, 2007 - 10:23 am
disk vāciņš ļoti simpātisks.