muzons - .Jenny Lews whit The Watson Twins [at] ysi [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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.Jenny Lews whit The Watson Twins [at] ysi [Feb. 4th, 2006|05:09 am]
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[music |Fisher • You]

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Jenny Lews whit The Watson Twins - 02 The Big Guns.mp3 (3432 KB)-320kbps
Jenny Lews whit The Watson Twins - 03 Rise Up Whit Fists!!!.mp3 (5028 KB)-320kbps
Jenny Lews whit The Watson Twins - 08 Rabbit For Coat.mp3 (5453 KB)-320kbps (theme song)

.viss albums

Nu ko, lai es jaunu pasaku? Kaut ko tādu, kā 'remember the time when rilo kiley, was the best band' nepateikšu.
Teikšu godīgi, albums dikti pie sirds iet, kaut gan pa pusei esmu dzirdējusi Rilo Kiley ierakstus, kuri nemaz, nemaz nepatīk. Šis ir kaut kas roķīgs un mazliet no 'country' stila
Noteikti patiks cilvēkiem, kuri ir Cat Power,Surfjan Stevens,The New Phornographers,Elected, Rilo Kiley un tāda stila, mūzikas fani.
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Date:February 4th, 2006 - 10:51 am
zin ko atgādina -
mūsu liepājnieci ar ģiču - Austru Pumpuri.