muzons - May 26th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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May 26th, 2011

Šūpuļdziesmas [May. 26th, 2011|10:51 am]


Padalieties kāds ar UPEs izdoto "šūpuļdziesmas"
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King Creosote & Jon Hopkins - Diamond Mine (2011) [May. 26th, 2011|04:21 pm]
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"This is a collaboration that makes sense. Both share a taste for a rather languid tempo, that of small-town life and the more tender, bittersweet emotions; and theirs is a pairing that’s complementary, Hopkins colouring in the spaces around Anderson’s wearied voice, guitar and woozy accordion." BBC

King Creosote & Jon Hopkins - Diamond Mine (2011)
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