muzons - February 10th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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February 10th, 2010

[Feb. 10th, 2010|10:22 am]



Groove Armada - Black Light [2010]

they did it again
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Sebo de Tripa - Sc [EP, 19:52, 256 kbps] [Feb. 10th, 2010|11:44 am]
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EP title: Sebo de Tripa - Sc

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Date: January 20, 2010
Cat.#: INQ013

Review: "Sc" is an exceptional piece of sound art recorded by "Sebo de Tripa" coming from Riga, Latvia. Intentionally, the project is about "anti-music", or the non-standard sound perceiving and manilupation, still oriented on sound gourmets with big ears. Using old Soviet radio signal receivers with the old-school sound, the "band" consisting of four amateurs went mad popping and squeezing air in the kitchen of Normunds Pics, the person having an idea to record a completely distinct noise recording with no repetitive moments, which changes the consciousness. The recording of 4 tracks has been completed in January 2009, and the band decided to sell it on their own established label, "Pischit", since "everything which sells is scam". However later in 2009, the 3rd track from this recording was picked up by the Netherlands producer Mark Stolk, for his anniversary net label compilation "Just Not Normal #50". The track ended the compilation and has been received numerous reviews around, that's why Pics decided to publish it for free, adding yet another desperate sound journey from SdT outtakes specially for INQB8R edition. This is the first release on INQB8R which consists of tracks recorded purely live, with no cuts or post-editings applied.

Direct link to this release:
Sebo de Tripa - Sc

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Balmorhea - Constellations (2010) [Feb. 10th, 2010|12:10 pm]
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Joe Goddard - Harvest Festival (2009) [Feb. 10th, 2010|12:39 pm]
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Joe Goddard has been a somewhat inescapable figure of the past few years. As vocalist, percussionist and synth wizard in Hot Chip, he’s seduced listeners from both rock and dance spheres over the course of three albums, melding live instrumentation and electronics with an irresistibly twee aesthetic.

Strawberry Jam
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