muzons - December 15th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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December 15th, 2009

Eels - End Times (2010) [Dec. 15th, 2009|04:41 pm]
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End Times is the upcoming eighth studio album by American rock band Eels, set to be released on January 19, 2010. The album was self-produced by E and focuses on themes of divorce and aging

Little Bird
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[Dec. 15th, 2009|08:57 pm]
Ja kādam labam cilvēkam ir my music mapītē (vai jebkur citur) Maximilian Hecker dziesma "Cold Wind Blowing" (garā, septiņu minūšu versija), tad lūdzu, vai kāds var atsūtīt? Būtu ārprātīgi pateicīga.

p.s. - dziesma skanēja filmā "Mouth To Mouth", gan dziesma, gan filma ir lieliskas :)
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