muzons - March 12th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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March 12th, 2009

ja nu kàdam ir, loti lùdzu padalieties, nekur nevaru atrast: "Eliza is the fairest queen" [Mar. 12th, 2009|11:55 am]



Composed by Edward Johnson
Performed by Jimmy Somerville
Courtesy of London Records

No Orlando (1992) . Skanu celinà esoshais 'Eliza' nav îsti tas (pietrùkst balss).

Sirsnîgs paldies jau ieprieksh!

Un, ja nu pékshni atrodas vél shie divi, bùshu bezgala pateicîga

(from "Semele")
Composed by Georg Friedrich Händel
Performed by Andrew Watts (counter-tenor) with Peter Hayward (harpsichordist)

Composed by Sally Potter, Jimmy Somerville, David Motion
Published by Copyright Conrtol/ Virgin Music
Performed by Jimmy Somerville

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The Provenance - How Would You Like To Be Spat At [Mar. 12th, 2009|01:46 pm]
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"Since the start in 1996, The Provenances general aim, both musically as well as lyrically, has been to portray the hopelessness, despair and frustration of living in a bleak and gloomy world. This is also where one is able to find the beauty and wonders of reality."

skaists, atmosfeerisks gotiskais metaals. 192kbs.
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Electric Wizard [Mar. 12th, 2009|01:58 pm]
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ar shiem diviem albuumiem es ljoti gribu padaliities. leens un smags stouneris ar apbriinojami skaistu liriku. iipashu uzmaniibu pieveerst dziesmaam 'I, the Witchfinder', 'Return Trip, 'Funeralopolis' un 'Dopethrone'.

"Electric Wizard are a doom metal band from Dorset, England that formed in 1993. The band have since recorded six albums, two of which are now considered to be landmarks of their genre: Come My Fanatics... and Dopethrone.
Electric Wizard have a distinct yet traditional doom metal sound that incorporates stoner and sludge traits, with lyrics typically involving the occult, witchcraft, H.P. Lovecraft, horror films and cannabis.
During 2003, founding members Tim Bagshaw and Mark Greening left to form the band Ramesses, making Jus Oborn the only founding member who remains."

Come My Fanatics... (1997)


Dopethrone (2000)


kbps320, un te ir lirika
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