muzons - September 5th, 2006 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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September 5th, 2006

Synth bliss [Sep. 5th, 2006|10:42 am]

» "Ratatat - Classics" (97.6 MB / 320) could play it for your indie rock friends if you wanted to get them to dance a little and were too afraid to play Daft Punk or Juan Atkins..

Style: Electro / Indie Rock / Experimental
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Kaut kas neticams 2 [Sep. 5th, 2006|06:40 pm]


Ja nu kāds vēl nezina - Rīgā koncertēs leģendārais Niks Keivs!
Propeller gan ziņo citu biļešu tirdzniecības datumu, bet tas nav būtiskākais :)
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