Iespējams, ka zināt šo saitu, kur var taisīt pats savu virtuālo valsti. Lai nu kā - tur cilvēki ir pacentušies izveidot asprātīgus valsts nosaukumus un valsts motto. Lūk daži no šiem
Politiskā satīra: The Nomadic Peoples of Bush is a Dickhead "If you don't win the popular vote, steal the election!" The Republic of Al Qaeda Towel Heads "For ALLAH!!!" The Five Percent Nation of Nunk-A-Lot"M-E-H. Meh." The Free Land of Bodhisattvastan "Drop Bush Not Bombs" The Astounding Alliteration of Arsenicburg "How will we explain THIS one to Comrade Lenin?" The Republica Super Fresca of JFK "Nothing bad ever happens to the kennedys!!!" The Educated People of Soviet Democracy "No sex for you!" Un vislabākais: ;) The Holy Hippocracy of Sirocco "Don't ask me, I only govern here"
Vienkārši asprātīgi: The Holy Empire of Yoda "If it's not a swamp, it's crap!" The Matriarchal Family of Mater "One Nation In Very Cozy Sweaters" The Republic of NSync Corrupt Dictatorship "The Best Ragtag Group of Pretty Boys on the Planet" The Uber Wicked Pfloepp Stoners of Wedontcare "We just don't give a phuck..." The Holy Drow Uranium Mines of Rielsys "We are GLOWING! We stand as a light in the dark " The Empire of Ninja-Monkeys "down with pants!" The Free Community of Spankmaster "Bendover for the chief, Hail to the whip" The Commonwealth of YinYangua "May Karma Strike Us Down If We Are Wrong." The Free Land of Robot Hippies "Maybe this world is another planet's Hell." The Shroom Poppin' People of Super Mario "Mama mia!" The Kingdom of Elvis is cool "Don't step on my blue suede shoe's" The Flying City of Ruhidean "One Nation Over God" The Neo Socialist Empire of I Killed Kenny "Don't do today what you can do tommorrow" The Most Serene Republic of The Purple Tractors "Its all fun and games until someone loses their mind." =)
labi motto: "In god we trust - everyone else pays cash!" "Praise the Lord and pass the ammo!" "You have the freedom to speak my will." "The future's so bright. I gotta wear shades." "A virgin a day keeps aids-virus away" "The more you run over a cat, the flatter it gets." "God made the world in 6 days and was arrested on 7th " "In the Beginning there was nothing, which exploded" |