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The Top 9 Reasons Longhorn Is Delayed25. Augusts 2004 - 08:22
9> The hardware required to run it is only available from Cray.

8> Difficulty translating the word "Longhorn" into Eastern European languages for the offshore programmers.

7> The annoying paperclip has been rewritten in full-screen, movie-quality 3D.

6> Actually, it's ready now; it just won't fit on any available hard drive.

5> Microsoft is still waiting for Apple to finish the next Mac OS so they can clone it.

4> The new operating system is so advanced and intelligent, it keeps trying to delete itself for the good of mankind.

3> The monkeys keep inserting random pieces of "Hamlet" in the code.

2> Thousands of man-hours went into creating a lightning-fast, 64-bit version of the Blue Screen of Death.

1> They can't decide what the definition of "int" isn't.
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