lol - 15. Marts 2005

About 15. Marts 2005


Netulkojams ;-)10:14
- Ты колбасу купил?
- Колбасуку? Не пил.



... pasaka par vecteetinju un raaceni :D ... )

Par kukainjiem...15:50

... Visvisaadi kukainji ... )

TVnet šodienas jautājums =)16:25

The Top 7 Differences If the Real World Were Like the Internet18:39
7. Hot, barely legal nymphomaniacs would be living in every house except yours.

6. The post office would fill your mailbox with dozens of pieces of unwanted junk mail every day. Oh, wait....

5. No more time wasted commuting; you'd just type the address you wanted to go to, and *poof*, you'd be there.

4. The widespread availability of Photoshop would mean there would be approximately 1.5 million Pam Andersons walking around.

3. Out: Library of Congress. In: Google World Headquarters.

2. Your car would go 720 mph from work, but only 240 mph to work.

and the Number 1 Difference

1. With every citizen a multi-millionaire, Nigeria would be the world's largest superpower.
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