[31. Dec 2004|14:56] |
Iepatikās lasīt visādus "papildfaktus" par filmām (kuru skaitā ietilpst arī tā sauktie Easter Eggs utt.). Iekš IMDB, teiksim, tos katrai filmai var ērti izlasīt sadaļā "Trivia", kas ir zem aktieru saraksta. Brīžiem patiešām jautri. Daži piemēri:
Brad Pitt's character was originally going to recite a workable recipe for home-made explosives. In the interest of public safety, the filmmakers decided to substitute fictional, dud recipes for the real ones. (..) Brad Pitt and Edward Norton actually learned how to make soap.
In the short scene when 'Brad Pitt ' and Edward Norton are drunk and hitting golf balls, they really are drunk, and the golf balls are sailing directly into the side of the catering truck.
In Yiddish, Shrek means monster (from the German for terror or fright).
All of the characters are named after prisons: Quentin (San Quentin, California), Holloway (England), Kazan (Russia), Rennes (France), Alderson (Alderson, West Virginia), Leaven and Worth (Leavenworth, Kansas). (..) Not only are the characters named after prisons but they reflect the prisons themselves. Example: Kazan (the mentally challenged character), in Russia is a disorganized prison. Rennes (the "mentor") was a jail that pioneered many of today's prison policies. Quentin (the detective) is known for its brutality. Holloway is a women's prison, and Alderson is a prison where isolation is a common punishment. Leavenworth runs to a rigid set of rules (Leaven's mathematics), and the new prison is corporately owned and built (Worth, hired as an architect).
Lester Burnham, a middle-aged man who develops an infatuation with an adolescent girl, is an update of Humbert Humbert from the classic novel Lolita. "Lester Burnham" is an anagram for "Humbert learns."
Lester gives his work phone number as 555-0199. This was also the phone number Al Pacino leaves on Russell Crowe's answering machine in the beginning of The Insider (1999), released the same year. This was also Agent Fox Mulder's phone number during the third season of the X-files.
The shot of Vincent plunging the syringe into Mia's chest was filmed by having John Travolta pull the needle out, then running the film backwards.
Utt., utjp. |
Comments: |
Pa to telefona nr. labs ;D!
From: | jerrym |
Date: | 31. Decembris 2004 - 16:26 |
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da nu , tur ir 10 tādu daudzās filmās ir tādi prikoli ar numuriem, palasies pēc kārtas par visām savām mīļākajām filmām :P
par Pulp Fiction... shaadu panjemienu specefektos izmanto gandriiz visos gadiijumos. bultas nazhi u.t.t.
![[User Picture]](http://klab.lv/userpic/93131/1549) | From: | ns |
Date: | 5. Janvāris 2005 - 10:59 |
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šitie visi ir baigi labie. tas imdb pie katras filmas rakstīts? tb neesmu līdz šim neko tādu manījis
Es arī biju kaut kā paskrējis garām, bet ir. Nejauši uzrāvu.
![[User Picture]](http://klab.lv/userpic/93131/1549) | From: | ns |
Date: | 5. Janvāris 2005 - 11:47 |
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nu tad tnx for a tip:) | |