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An international conference devoted to problems of EU terminology and translation to be held in Riga [2005-10-27 00:00:00]

On 3 November 2005, Latvia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Member of the European Parliament, Rihards Piks, and the EU Law Association are holding a conference Legal Terminology of the European Union: Problems and Solutions.

The main goal of the conference is to analyse current issues related to the formation and implementation of EU terminology. At the same time, the conference will promote cooperation among institutions involved in the formation of terminology in Riga, Brussels, Strasbourg, Luxembourg and Frankfurt.

To improve the quality of translation of official EU documents, the conference is expected to discuss various points of view regarding the systematisation of the translation process and the standardization of terminology used in the EU institutions and in Latvia. The discussions will include the role of the European Parliament in improving terminology as well as other issues.

Participants of the conference will include: Member of the European Parliament, Rihards Piks; the Chairperson of the European Law Association and Latvian representative to the European Court of Justice, Esmeralda Balode-Buraka; the Head of the Terminology Commission of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Valentina Skujina; and translators and terminologists from EU institutions and Latvia.

Representatives of public administration, non-governmental organisations, academic circles, media, and other interested persons are invited to the conference. The conference will take place from 10 am. to 1 pm. on 3 November 2005 in Riga Graduate School of Law (hall W-42), Alberta Street 13 (entrance from Strelnieku Street). A press conference is scheduled from 11.15 pm. to 11.30 pm. Registration in advance by e-mail


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