8. Sep 2009 @ 12:54 Kārlis Leiškalns vs. Lawrence Limburger

* Lawrence Limburger - The main antagonist of the Biker Mice from Mars animated series, Lawrence Limburger hails from Plutark and has an odd fascination for Earth's criminal society of the 1930s. Wearing a mask in order to look human and a purple suit at most times, he attempts to mine Chicago and other parts of Earth of various resources including random earth, dirt, rock, snow, metal and oil. His headquarters is Limburger Industries located in Chicago.
* Kārlis Leiškalns - bijušais bārmenis, kaislīgais copmanis un zolītes sitējs.

P.S. Ievērojiet sarkanos kabatas lakatiņus!
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Date: 8. Septembris 2009 - 13:44
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lieliski! :D
patīk arī tā doma par uzziņām :)
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Date: 16. Septembris 2009 - 14:03
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ideāli :))