03 December 2013 @ 03:32 pm
Dec. 31, 2010, 11:59 pm, EST, [05:00 hrs., Jan. 1, 2011, Greenwich Mean Time/UTC/Zulu], is the official Deadline for the U.S. Government to make a formal Official Public Acknowledgment that Star Visitor Contact and Communication has occurred.
Preparation for this public information announcement was the subject of an official Executive Order (classified) signed by President Barack Obama, directing the National Security Council's Special Studies Group to prepare a plan for such a series of Official Government Public Acknowledgments of Star Visitor Contacts and Communications with U.S. Government representatives.
The U.S. Government is preparing to do this pursuant to a formal Agreement made with Star Nations: that the U.S. would stop its policy of UFO Cover-Up this year.
Of course such a public announcement could occur any time prior to December 31st too.
Star Nations, and its representative, the Councillor of Earth (Dr. Richard Boylan), have advised the Government that if they renage on complying with that Agreement, that Star Nations will initiate a series of open, public, dramatically-obvious demonstrations-of-presence such that the Government will then be compelled to publicly acknowledge Star Visitors reality.

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morphine[info]morphine on December 4th, 2010 - 03:23 pm
Nē, nu, ir, protams, tikai viens veids, kā to pārbaudīt - sagaidīt gadumiju un skatīties, kas notiek/ nenotiek.
Es jau personīgi tīri labprāt gribētu, lai kādreiz viens no šiem solītajiem disclosure'iem izrādītos arī īsts, bet, no otras puses - moš nemaz nav jāgaida viens konkrēts datums? Viss jau tik un tā ir procesā - dažādas interesantas, 'alternatīvas' ziņas, kas laiku pa laikam 'uzpeld' oficiālajos medijos ir tam labs pierādījums.
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