vegijs (bē) - December 16th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
vegijs (bē)

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December 16th, 2010

Soja [Dec. 16th, 2010|09:23 pm]


Par to manu seno, nu jau gadu veco jautājumu,
pašķirstot grāmatu Food Rules, izlasīju:

Innovation is always interesting, but when it comes to food, it pays to approach new creations with caution. If diets are the products of an evolutionary process in which groups of people adapt to the plants, animals, and fungi a particular place has to offer, then a novel food or culinary innovation resembles a mutation: It mightrepresent an evolutionary improvement, but chances are it doesn’t. Soy products offer a good case in point. People have been eating soy in the form of tofu, soy sauce, and tempeh for many generations, but today we’re eating novelties like “soy protein isolate,” “soy isoflavones,” and “textured vegetable protein” from soy and partially hydrogenated soy oils, and there are questions about the healthfulness of these new food products. As a senior FDA scientist has written, “Confidence that soy products are safe is clearly based more on belief than hard data.”3 Until we have that data, you’re probably better off eating soy prepared in the traditional Asian manner than according to the novel recipes dreamed up by food scientists.

3D. M. Sheehan, “Herbal Medicines, Phytoestrogens, and Toxicity: Risk: Benefit Considerations,” Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine217 (1998): 379-85.
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