Grey's Anatomy S06E19 Sympathy for the Parents |
[18. Apr 2010|03:30] |
Jūs taču zināt, ka šis ir mans mīļākais seriāls. Un pagājušās nedēļas sērija bija tik saprotama, tik ļoti par cilvēkiem, tādiem, kā mēs un par viņu/ mūsu bailēm. Bailēm no kļūšanas/ būšanas par vecākiem. Ar bezbērnu nodokli tam nav sakara.
Tur tālāk ir citāti no šīs sērijas.
Bailey: If you are going to wait for the perfect time to have kids - you're never going to have kids.
Derek: If anything should happen to me, I don't want you to just be you. Meredith: Well we would make pretty babies. Derek: So you're thinking about it? Meredith: Oh, I'm thinking about it.
Meredith: It's the most important job in the world. You probably should need a license to do it, but then most of us wouldn't even pass the written exam. Some people are naturals. They were born to do it. Some have other gifts. But the good news is biology dictates you don't have to do it alone. You can waste your whole life wondering, but the only way to find out what kind of parent you'd be is to finally stop talking about it and just do it. |