Lācītis numur divi - July 9th, 2005 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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July 9th, 2005

He [Jul. 9th, 2005|01:55 pm]
Firmas direktora uzvārds: Kidals.
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Family first, niggaz [Jul. 9th, 2005|03:55 pm]
San Andreas is a wonderful place, filled with wholesome things such as automobiles and the ground. However, nearly everything else in the game often contains material that you would find offensive and that you would not want your child to see. The activity below will help shield your child from such negative influences.
Kā pārvērst GTA: San Andreas par izglītojošu spēli visai ģimenei. Kvalitatīvi.
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