- 3/26/07 12:25 am
- Zāļu tramvajs jau sen pametis platformu. Ir tik šausmīgi slikti, bet par spīti skaļā (niknā, protams!) sajūsmā izdziedu katru dziesmiņas vārdu.
The only good policeman is a dead one
The only good laws aren't enforced
I've never hung a darkie, even a big one
I've never seen an Indian on a horse
And I live like this 'cause I like it
And seen too much to pretend
You can't ignore the beauty in the things that you love
Like you can't stand the hatred and the lies
Have you always hunted with your hands?
Can you show me what you've done?
Have you always hunted with your hands?
If you catch it, can you kill it?
You don't understand, see you don't understand
See, I'm like a murderer, see, I'm like a murderer
And I could rip you limb from limb
And I could rip you limb from limb
Great big thing crawlin' all over me
Great big thing crawlin' all over me
See, I'm like a murderer, I kill what I eat
See, I'm like a, I'm a hunter-gatherer, see, I kill what I eat
See, I'm a steelworker, I kill what I eat
See, I'm, I'm a bricklayer, I kill what I eat
See, I'm a, I'm a murderer, I kill what I eat
See, I'm a, I'm a hunter-gatherer, I kill what I eat
See, I'm a steelworker, I kill what I eat
I'm a, I'm a bricklayer, I kill what I eat
Great big thing crawling all over me
Great big thing crawling all over me
Great big thing crawling all over me
Have you always hunted with your hands?
Can you show me what you've done?
Have you always hunted with your hands?
If you catch it, can you kill it?
I live like this 'cause I like it
And I've seen too much to pretend
You can't ignore the beauty in the things that you love
Like you can't stand the hatred and the lies
See, see, see I'm a murderer, I kill what I eat
See, I'm, I'm a bricklayer, I kill what I eat
See, I'm a steelworker, I kill what I eat
It's a great big thing crawlin' all over me
Great big thing crawlin' all over me
Great big thing crawlin' all over me - Current Music: big black - steelworker
- 7 atstāja kaut koatstāj kaut ko
- 3/26/07 12:29 am
paldies mans bērns
- Reply
- 3/26/07 12:52 am
nekas īpašs. sēžu pie datora, pārtiku un noskaloju to ar ūdeni, uzkožu 'angilor' - ar ceļteku, mārsilu un c vitamīnu - pretklepus zāles un beidzot esmu apņēmies pārskatīt kaut kādu pagājušās tūkstošgades saraksti. citiem vārdiem - esmu atklājis sātanismu
- Reply
- 3/26/07 12:56 am
man esot teikuši, ka tu esot teicis, ka man esot daudz miegazāļu. tad es esot apjukusi, bet atcerējusies un tā. uz tādas nots arī iet gulēt.
- Reply
- 3/26/07 12:58 am
nu jā, valdim teicu. vajag taču palīdzēt cilvēkiem, kas par miegazālēm ieminas tik bezpalīdzīgā tonī :>
- Reply
- 3/26/07 12:59 am
a kur ir live in a hole?
- Reply
- 3/26/07 01:19 am
nē, nē, šodien vajag stīva dusmīgo pusi. uzliekam fish fry, to versiju, kur saka one, two, one two fuck you :)~
- Reply