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teilweise audible saruna [Aug. 20th, 2009|12:13 am]
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[Current Mood |some stage funny]
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- oh, hi! didn't know you enjoyed late-time-walks too. would have asked you to join me.
- well, i could say the same about you.
- that's lucky we've met then.
- yeah.
- so.. what have you been up to lately?
- aah. nothing special - painting the wardrobe, reading some books, watching some movies.
- what movies?
- well, yesterday i watched 'dear wendy'
- never heard of it.
- good for you. it was the stupidest movie i've seen this summer.
- what else, then?
- umh. today i saw the 'cassandra's dream'.
- oh, i wanted to see that one.. how was it?
- if we forget that i hate colin farrell and that woody allen is too theatrical for my tastes.. i liked it. a lot.
- nice, i'll have to see that then. last film i watched was 'little ashes'. have you seen it?
- yeah. didn;t like it much.
- me neither. though the pattinson-guy was much better then i expected. at some moments i even forgot it was him.
- yeah, me too. actually.. you know in 'twilight' at first i didn't like his acting there. i liked the stewart-girl thousand times better. and know when i watch it..
- wait! what do you mean by 'watch it'? you've seen it more then once? argh..
- ehm. yeah, but that's not the point.
- what is then?
- jeez, shut it. what i'm trying to say is that she acts actually worse than he does. you don't have the feeling that she's in love with him. she can't act it. maybe she's never been in love herself. what is she 18, 19?
- 19, i guess. i think i see your point here. as far as i can remember..
- so you like robert then?
- i know that's embarrassing, but - yup, i do. i've seen four, no five of his movies.
- five, you say..
- well, in one he didn't show up, because they didn't put his scene in the movie after all. i had to look that one in the youtube.
- 'vanity fair'
- yeah. and in the 5th potter, he didn't really act, cause he was already dead, and there were just memory flickers of harry from the 4th movie. so that doesn't count either.
- where does that leave us? three? not much.
- that's all i got. but two more are coming. and i'm going crazy at the thought.
- you're not the only one. and you not even a real person.
- but you can see me.. and hear me..
- because i invented you. i don't even have to talk aloud, because i can make an imaginary talk, which you can imaginary-hear.
- fine then - don't say anything at all.
- i won't.. [30 second silence] f-k!
- what?
- i had that stupid word in my head again.
- which one?
- self-conscious
- what about it?
- aah, i always feel like it means self-confident, but it does the opposite. or maybe it can be used both ways? why am i asking you that?
- why not?
- be-cau-se you can't answer a question, i don't know an answer to, because we have a mutual mind.
- do we?
- don't we?
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